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Digitize & Automate
Recurring Operational Processes

Reclaim Your Day with Operoo’s Workflow Management Platform

Districts and schools are full of inefficient operational processes, which have an unsustainable and unreliable dependency on people and paper. At Operoo, we empower K – 12 education institutions to save time and resources by streamlining routine and recurring operational tasks with process automation and digital workflow management.
Operoo Workflow Management Diagram
Operoo enables you to boost parent engagement, staff productivity, and student participation. Ensure that your operations are as efficient as possible, so that every dollar and every minute possible is focused on students.

Top Operational Processes and Forms Automated by New York School Districts in 2021

Parent, staff, student, payment, public and health workflows

In 2021, we helped over 350 schools and districts throughout New York — and 450 across the country — automate over 200 slow, expensive and repetitive paper-based processes and forms with digital workflows: From Blue Cards and Incident Management; Field Trips and Extra-curricular Activity Management; Student Registration and Onboarding; Parent Communications; Payments and Ordering; Staff Requests, Approvals and Policy Management;  and more.
Top Operational School District Processes to Automate

Customer Success Stories

Outcomes achieved by embracing
process automation and digital workflow management

Below are a set of results and customer outcomes that we’re particularly proud of at Operoo:

Warwick Valley CSD

Digitizing student registration

Warwick Valley CSD embraced an integrated digital solution to automate registration processes for incoming kindergarten students, easing administrative workload for administrators and parents alike.

“In terms of intake numbers, Warwick Valley has a large kindergarten class coming through for the 21 – 22 academic year. We normally receive approximately 215 new kindergarteners each year. This September we’ll have over 250. That’s a strong result in the middle of a pandemic. For our next round of student intakes, we’ll be automating all registration — across our five school buildings.”

—  Warwick Valley Central School District

Warwick Valley CSD Results Short Summary
Elias Bernstein Results Summary

Elias Bernstein Intermediate

Digitizing Field Trip Management

How a Trip Management Platform automated paper processes, enhanced student participation, increased parent engagement, and brought a school community together.

“No other system takes the whole trip management process online in a single automated workflow — we now use Operoo for everything we do.”

— Elias Bernstein Intermediate School 7

Robert Fulton Elementary

Blue Cards, Registration & Onboarding

Robert Fulton Elementary used digital Blue Cards and embraced process automation technology to eliminate manual tasks and focus resources on digital form workflows to drive strong school-wide participation — even during a pandemic.

“Parents love being able to respond to any request for information, or sign any type of consent form, straight from their phones. And, teachers love having everything they need in the palm of their hand. Parents and staff rave about Operoo. Everything has been amazing.”

—  Robert Fulton Elementary School (PS 8)

Robert Fulton Results Summary
Staten Island Tech HS Short Results Summary

Staten Island Technical High

Automating Staff Processes

How Staten Island Technical High School invested in digitizing and automating staff processes, reducing the manpower required to perform them by 75%. Staten Island Tech has created and automated over 30 staff-facing forms and approval workflows in Operoo.

“Walking through Operoo, I knew this was THE tool that was going to make life easier for all the people in charge of paperwork at Staten Island Tech. The potential to automate all our staff-focused processes was very exciting.”

— Staten Island Technical High School

The SAS Charter Network

Automating Paper Processes

The SAS charter school network in Florida’s Leon County automated its routine and recurring financial, request and permission-based workflows, reducing administrative demand on parents and staff, while enabling it to operate efficiently and remotely during the pandemic. From eliminating all parent paperwork from start-of-year student enrollments, to generating 50% more revenue from its Enhancement Contributions Program, the SAS Network’s process automation journey has delivered incredible results.

“We didn’t need another Student Information System; we needed a digital operations platform. Operoo gave us a platform to communicate, manage and automate the digital flow of information between our schools and our families remotely, safely and quickly.”

—  The SAS Charter School Network

SAS Charter Network Results Summary_Vertical_Long

Operoo ROI Analysis

Did you know that the average New York school spends over $70,000
on processing paper forms throughout the school year?

Digitizing and automating school forms and workflows ensures you’re not wasting limited budgets on repetitive, manual tasks.
Operoo Logo | +1 424 219 7150